Monday 28 October 2013

Photography competition for students aged 14-18

Where do I belong? Photography competition open to students aged 14-18 years old.

The challenge is to is for you to take a picture of where you feel belong - whether it is a place, what you do, who you are with, or where you want to be in the future.


-  4 regional winners 9England, North Ireland, Scotland, Wales) of £150 vouchers for photographic equipment for the photographer and £150 for the school

- 6 category winners of £100 vouchers for photographic equipment and £100 vouchers for the school

- 1 judges favourite image winning £200 vouchers for the photographer and £200 vouchers for the school

All winners, their teacher and a parent/quardian will also be invited to an awards event in central London.

For more information, including entry terms and conditions go to:

Where do I belong? logo

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